45 Essential Vestibular Activities and Input Ideas—Your Kids Table

45 Essential Vestibular Activities and Input Ideas—Your Kids Table

Sometimes when your kid is running around crazy — especially at bedtime — reasoning/bargaining/talking isn't what's going to work. Consider whether she needs some sensory support. Did you know that we actually have eight senses? One of them is the vestibular sense. More from OT Alisha Grogan at Your Kids Table.

"Vestibular input is received in the brain every single time we move our head because the receptors for this sensory system are located deep within our inner ear.  The vestibular system is made up of canals that are lined with tiny little hairs and these canals also have some fluid in them. When we move, the fluid swishes around in the canals and touches the hairs. The brain gets the message about what hairs the fluid has touched and we know how and where to move!"

Self-Compassion for Parents - Greater Good Magazine

Self-Compassion for Parents - Greater Good Magazine

What is Interoception?—Occupational Therapy for Children

What is Interoception?—Occupational Therapy for Children