What is Interoception?—Occupational Therapy for Children

What is Interoception?—Occupational Therapy for Children

Did you know we actually have eight senses? Here's some more information about what's going on inside your body, from Occupational Therapy for Children. Some kids struggle with these senses and need extra support for the feelings to register appropriately.

"Sit back and relax. What are you feeling inside your body? Are you hungry? Do you need to go to the toilet? Is your heart racing? Are you breathing heavily? Do you have an itch?
These are senses that can be felt through the help of our interoceptive system.

"Our interoceptive system enables us to feel pain, hunger, fullness, nausea, needing to go to the toilet, itch, physical exertion, coldness, heat, tickle and emotional states (excitement, anger, calmness or fear). Not only that, interoception allows us to identify and respond to what our body is telling us, for example, if your mouth and throat are feeling dry, we are able to understand that this is our body’s way of telling us we are thirsty. These signals and feelings are understood through interoception."

Illustration; OTFC

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