Dr. Laura Markham in Conversation with Julie Cusmariu

Dr. Laura Markham in Conversation with Julie Cusmariu

Dr. Laura Markham chatted with podcast host Julie Cusmariu, certified life coach and mentor coach, on her weekly podcast series #Motherhood#LetsCreateAVillage, and said, “Part of it is giving yourself a break. You don’t have to do everything at once. It’s important for parents to realize that in a way you can postpone everything but love.”

From Dr. Markham's FB page, Here's what they talked about:
-The importance of filling our own cup and taking care of ourselves as parents/caregivers.
- Preventative maintenance practices- 5 practices you can immediately use that will fill up your child’s emotional cup and avoid emotional breakdowns.
- How to emotionally coach your child and teach them about their own emotions.
- Teaching peace in the home: what does that mean and how can we do it? 
- The significance and rewards of working on yourself and healing your own past.
- Scripts and tools on setting limits with empathy and creating positive and meaningful connections with your child and between siblings.
- How to bring greater ease to the bedtime routine.

Listen to the interview here.

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