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Men are Responsible for Mass Shootings—Harper's Bazaar

Mouse and Coffee's mission is to support children by sharing tips and tools with their caregivers—so adults can support children in developmentally appropriate ways, and buck the stereotypes and misgivings that our culture creates. Misgivings that can help boys grow up into angry, overwhelmed mass shooters.


Jennifer Wright, in her article Men are Responsible for Mass Shootings (Harper's Bazaar, Feb. 16, 2108), explores toxic masculinity an how society is both shaping it and being terrorized by it.

"Of all the mass shootings since 1982, only three have been committed by women. While women comprise about 50 percent of the victims of mass shootings, female mass killers are “so rare that it just hasn’t been studied,” according to James Garbarino, a psychologist at Loyola University Chicago

"If basically all mass shooters were women, I can assure you we’d be talking about that.

"So let’s start talking about the culture of toxic masculinity that makes men believe they should get a gun and shoot people with it...."

Read more here.